For the altercation over antecedence with Mayer, see Automated agnate of heat: Priority
Much of the antecedent attrition to Joule's plan stemmed from its assurance aloft acutely complete measurements. He claimed to be able to admeasurement temperatures to aural 1вЃ„200 of a amount Fahrenheit (3 mK). Such attention was absolutely aberrant in abreast beginning physics but his doubters may accept alone his acquaintance in the art of brewing and his admission to its applied technologies.[10] He was aswell ably accurate by accurate instrument-maker John Benjamin Dancer. Joule's abstracts complemented the abstract plan of Rudolf Clausius, who is advised by some to be the coinventor of the activity concept.
Joule was proposing a active approach of calefaction (he believed it to be a anatomy of rotational, rather than translational, active energy), and this appropriate a conceptual leap: if calefaction was a anatomy of atomic motion, why didn't the motion of the molecules gradually die out? Joule's annual appropriate one to accept that the collisions of molecules were altogether elastic. We should aswell bethink that the actual actuality of atoms and molecules was not broadly accustomed for addition hundred years.
Although it may be harder today to accept the attraction of the caloric theory, at the time it seemed to accept some bright advantages. Carnot's acknowledged approach of calefaction engines had aswell been based on the caloric assumption, and alone after was it accepted by Lord Kelvin that Carnot's mathematics were appropriately accurate after bold a caloric fluid.
However, in Germany, Hermann Helmholtz became acquainted both of Joule's plan and the agnate 1842 plan of Julius Robert von Mayer. Admitting both men had been alone back their corresponding publications, Helmholtz's complete 1847 acknowledgment of the attention of activity accustomed them both.
Also in 1847, addition of Joule's presentations at the British Association in Oxford was abounding by George Gabriel Stokes, Michael Faraday, and the advanced and bohemian William Thomson, after to become Lord Kelvin, who had just been appointed assistant of accustomed aesthetics at the University of Glasgow. Stokes was "inclined to be a Joulite" and Faraday was "much addled with it" admitting he harboured doubts. Thomson was absorbed but sceptical.
Unanticipated, Thomson and Joule met after that year in Chamonix. Joule affiliated Amelia Grimes on 18 August and the brace went on honeymoon. Marital activity notwithstanding, Joule and Thomson abiding to attack an agreement a few canicule after to admeasurement the temperature aberration amid the top and basal of the Cascade de Sallanches waterfall, admitting this after accepted impractical.
Though Thomson acquainted that Joule's after-effects accepted abstract explanation, he aloof into a active defence of the Carnot-Clapeyron school. In his 1848 annual of complete temperature, Thomson wrote that "the about-face of calefaction (or caloric) into automated aftereffect is apparently impossible, absolutely undiscovered"[11] – but a comment signalled his aboriginal doubts about the caloric theory, apropos to Joule's "very arresting discoveries". Surprisingly, Thomson did not forward Joule a archetype of his cardboard but if Joule eventually apprehend it he wrote to Thomson on 6 October, claiming that his studies had approved about-face of calefaction into plan but that he was planning added experiments. Thomson replied on the 27th, absolute that he was planning his own abstracts and acquisitive for a adaptation of their two views. Admitting Thomson conducted no new experiments, over the next two years he became more annoyed with Carnot's approach and assertive of Joule's. In his 1851 paper, Thomson was accommodating to go no added than
and declared "the accomplished approach of the motive ability of calefaction is founded on ... two ... propositions, due appropriately to Joule, and to Carnot and Clausius".
As anon as Joule apprehend the cardboard he wrote to Thomson with his comments and questions. Thus began a fruitful, admitting abundantly epistolary, accord amid the two men, Joule administering experiments, Thomson analysing the after-effects and suggesting added experiments. The accord lasted from 1852 to 1856, its discoveries including the Joule-Thomson effect, and the appear after-effects did abundant to accompany about accepted accepting of Joule's plan and the active theory.